Speaking Engagements
Certified Birth Doula Kristin Travis has been an advocate marginalized communities for over a decade. She is pleased to speak at your local Seattle or online engagement regarding birthwork with the particular focus on tips for a beginning doula and breastfeeding tips for doulas.
Tips for the Beginning Doula
Starting your doula practice can be challenging. New doulas must remain trained, secure and manage steady clientele, stay prepared during the on-call period as well as be a connected member of their birthworking community. This is an interactive talk that is designed to help a new doula adjust to birthwork and on-call life. Birth bag must-haves, prenatal/postpartum visit best practices, corresponding with care providers, certifying and setting up a doula practice and becoming an active member of your doula community are all topics discussed.
Breastfeeding Tips for Doulas: Comfort, Confidence and Cues
A key role of a doula is to help initiate Baby's first feeding in the birth room. This discussion is not designed to circumvent the role of a lactation consultant, but rather, help enhance doulas' ability establish their clients' comfort and confidence in breastfeeding as well as assist clients in identifying Baby's rooting cues. Here, we will discuss hand expression and cup/spoon/syringe feeding, positioning for breastfeeding, partner support, working as a team with care providers and common challenges to breastfeeding.